Supporter Spotlight - Crown Coaches

Supporter Spotlight - Crown Coaches
Apr 22, 2020

Our events are a culmination of support from the participants, donors, volunteers and corporate supporters. Without the support of everyone involved the events Whitelion wouldn’t be able to make such a huge impact on the lives of young people. Crown Coaches are one of those supporters who made this year’s Three Peaks Challenge possible. Crown Coaches is a proud ongoing sponsor of Whitelion and their Director, Jerome Haoust is a proud Ambassador.

Crown Coaches partnered with Whitelion over six years ago and were a vital player and supporter in rejuvenating the Chatterbox Bus Program through the donation of a new outreach bus which was officially launched in 2015 replacing the 25-year-old bus.

Crown Coaches support several initiatives, Programs and Events each year including our Chatterbox Bus Outreach Program which includes the ongoing servicing and maintaining of our Bus in Victoria, various fundraising events such as: Bail Out, Three Peaks Challenge, our AFL Finals Series Luncheon and Leading the Pride.

Recently Crown Coaches were a sponsor of our Three Peaks Challenge event that we just held March 12 to 16, 2020. Each year, Crown Coaches supply three of our Coaches to transport our participants from Mountain to Mountain. This year three members of their team including Director, Jerome participated in the challenge raising $6,220. In addition to this Crown Coaches donated the use of all Coaches and the time of all drivers for the entire event. To give you a glimpse of their Itinerary, over the weekend (Thursday/Friday to Sunday/Monday) they drive from the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne to Canberra, to the first peak (Majura) then onto the second peak (Mt Kosciuszko) in the Alpine region. They then take our participants to the final peak (Mt Bogong) to Bright, then back to Melbourne VIC. This is approximately 1,500 kms!

Thank you Crown Coaches for choosing Whitelion as your charity partner, we appreciate your support and value our partnership. Together, we are confident we’ll support even more young people and make a positive difference in their lives and in the wider community.

To learn more about Crown Coaches, please click here.