CEO Message - August 2020

Aug 25, 2020

We have learned so much about ourselves and our work across 2020. The initial COVID-19 response across Australia drew on all our teams’ efforts to ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers and young people.  We introduced new working from home arrangements and developed new practice guidelines to ensure young people had stable shelter, safety and food while in lockdown. Our staff and volunteers undertook a rapid transformation to a digital environment. To support staff, we have introduced new wellbeing-at-work sessions and two days annual wellbeing leave.  We moved quickly, we acted decisively, and we have done everything in our power to ensure Whitelion can navigate the current economic impacts of the pandemic.

Whitelion has returned to our workplaces and face-to-face engagement with young people in Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales. In Victoria we remain in strict lockdown with hopes of engaging young people in person before the end of 2020.

Like many organisations, COVID-19 has drastically impacted Whitelion’s ability to raise revenue. Physical distancing requirements mean we cannot hold events this year, governments have diverted significant resources to response to the pandemic which will result in a decline in available grants, and corporate supporters will be impacted by the recession.


This drastic financial impact brought forward our plans to align programs with our strategic objectives of positive connections and pathways to work.  We had to act more quickly to review our operations and made the difficult decision to close our bus outreach programs and restructure leadership roles and our national office. These tough changes will conclude at the end of August and will enable us to get through 2020 with some financial stability so we can focus on strategy, relationships and young people – not just on surviving.


Young people have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 with massive disruptions to education, a youth unemployment crisis, and the impact lockdowns have had on social connection, access to support services and mental health. We believe our strategy – to help young people at risk develop positive connections and pathways to work – is more relevant now than ever and we thank you for all the support you have offered Whitelion so far this year to help us stay true to our mission.