Limestone Coast
Quick LinksFLO Assertive Outreach
About Whitelion South Australia
Whitelion has been supporting young people in South Australia since 2009.
To learn more about Whitelion in South Australia contact:
Flexible Learning Options (FLO) Assertive Outreach
FLO Assertive Outreach program provides individualised support to young people who are disengaged or on the path of disengaging from mainstream education on the Limestone Coast. The service is operated in Millicent and Mt Gambier.
Students must be between year 8 and 21 years old (25 for young parents) and be enrolled as a FLO student in a South Australia Department for Education school on the Limestone Coast.
FLO is an initiative of the South Australian government.
Make a donation to help us provide education materials and material aid to young people at risk of early school leaving here.