
Northern and Western Metropolitan

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Housing Support Service
Western Community Connections Program 
North and Western Community Integration Program
Northern Community Connections Program
Deadly Lions

About Whitelion Victoria

Whitelion has been supporting young people in Victoria since 1999.


Housing Support Service (H3)

As part of the H3 (Health Homelessness and Housing) Alliance, Whitelion provide housing-focused and targeted interventions, connecting young people to housing options by supporting them with service coordination, advocacy, coordination of paperwork and budgeting required for renting, assisting with and exploring avenues of community support as appropriate, short-term/crisis options as required, and establishing strategies to ensure housing is sustainable once attained. This is an outreach-based service, and Whitelion can also work to address other contributing situational and co-existing factors to homelessness or housing instability such as mental ill-health, AOD and unemployment or education disengagement.

Program eligibility

16-24 years of age living, staying or connected in the Wyndham Local Government Area


Program supporters

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing

Western Community Connections Program (Better Futures)

Whitelion Community Connections is a key component of the Better Futures approach, which was rolled out by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on 1 November 2019. This new approach is focused on improving outcomes for young people transitioning from care to supported independence. Whitelion has been contracted by DHHS to deliver the Community Connections service offer featured in the Better Futures model with the aim to build networks of supportive relationships for young people in their local community. Whitelion is providing a hybrid model which encompasses the following key services:

  • Community engagement and capacity building                                                              
  • Harness community effort through a place-based partnership approach
  • Mentoring 
Program eligibility

From 15 years and 9 months, in OOHC on a Care by Secretary, Long-Term Care Order or a Family Reunification Order


Whitelion is looking for mentors in the western metropolitan region. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please visit:  Volunteer with us - Whitelion Youth

Program supporters

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing


Community Integration Program

The Community Integration Program connects young people who have a current experience in the Out of Home Care system with volunteer community-based mentors whose role it is to support young people into activities of interest, and to engage in communities of choice. Activities might include sport, dance, art and more. These links create important connection between young people and community to reduce isolation and disconnection by increasing social skills and confidence through supported social participation.

Program eligibility

10-17 years of age who are in OOHC or on a current Child Protection order at time of referral in the Northern and Western metro region


Whitelion is looking for mentors in the western metropolitan region. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please visit: Volunteer with us - Whitelion Youth  

Program supporters

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing


Deadly Lions

Provides individualised support to young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been in contact with police or the youth justice system, or for those who are at risk of entering the youth justice system. Intensive case management and coordination, brief intervention, assertive outreach, pro-social role modelling and guidance, community engagement, family work and connection to culture. Goal setting ensures that young people build positive and sustainable connections to self and communities of choice, have increased self-agency and decreased isolation. Delivered in partnership with MAYSAR (Melbourne Aboriginal Youth Sports and Recreation).

Program eligibility

10-24 years of age, identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander in the Northern and Western metro regions

Contact and

Program Supporters

Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet


Northern Community Connections Program (Better Futures)

Whitelion Community Connections is a key component of the Better Futures approach, which was rolled out by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on 1 November 2019. This new approach is focused on improving outcomes for young people transitioning from care to supported independence. Whitelion has been contracted by DHHS to deliver the Community Connections service offer featured in the Better Futures model with the aim to build networks of supportive relationships for young people in their local community. Whitelion is providing a hybrid model which encompasses the following key services:

  • Community engagement and capacity building                                                              
  • Harness community effort through a place-based partnership approach
  • Mentoring 

Program eligibility

Referrals will be accepted for young people between the ages of 15-18 years currently on a Family Reunification, Care by Secretary or Long Term Care Order or 18-21 years having been on either of the above three orders between the ages of 16 to 18.



Program supporters

The Northern Community Connections Program is an initiative of the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

Get involved

Whitelion is looking for mentors in the northern metropolitan region. If you are interested in becoming a mentor please visit: Volunteer with us - Whitelion Youth