No Home Address Invitation for Support

Aug 20, 2020
Together as one community we have likely never been more acutely aware of the importance of having a safe and stable place to call home than we have been during the COVID-19 lock down. Sadly though, there are on average 36,000 young people each night in Australia who do not have a place to call home, or even a safe place to sleep for that matter.
At Whitelion we want to see a world where no young person is left behind. We do this by supporting young people at risk to build positive connections and pathways to work.
A critical part of being 'work ready', as well as maintaining a job, is to have a home that provides a stable base. Sadly, many young people we support at Whitelion have not had a secure or consistent home and have lived in out of home care (foster care, kinship care, or residential housing units) since they were small children.
On 10 October Whitelion will launch a unique campaign called No Home Address...and we are inviting all our Whitelion friends and supporters to join us!
How you can support No Home Address campaign in October 2020
It’s simple - if you are a business (large or small!) and have an active website, we invite you to join some of Australia’s biggest brands who are allowing Whitelion to place a tailored banner on their homepage that supports this campaign, for just one day in October only. It is safe for your website and customers, and secure and easy to insert. We have a professional digital team on hand to support the process and it is not disruptive to your website visitors. The Whitelion homepage pop up invites visitors to learn more about youth homelessness and donate to our work. There are also sponsorship opportunities available for this campaign.
Our fundraising team would love to tell you more, so if you are interested please click here and put in the subject line “Tell me more about NHA campaign” and one of our friendly Whitelion staff will be in touch with you for a chat.